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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

The Stars in Our Soil: Soil Health Policies

Soil health policies are stars for our soil, without whom our advancement towards global soil health would remain slower than the rate at which we are depleting our soils. The importance of soil health policies can be summarized into three pros: protect, probe and promote

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Soil: A Foundation for Life, Culture, And Sustainability

During a recent webinar FROM DUST TO PROSPERITY: The ROLE of Soil in Shaping Africa’s Future co-hosted by the coalition of Action 4 Soil Health and the Allure of Soil Campaign, experts from around the world shared their perspectives on soil’s significance, its degradation, and the urgent need for action to restore and preserve it.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

CA4SH, CIFOR-ICRAF, Varda & Norad partner on a pilot initiative to advance soil knowledge exchange

On 14 January 2025, the Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) hosted a reflection webinar for a recent pilot initiative from CIFOR-ICRAF, Varda, and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. Over 125 participants attended to hear insights on the soil data ecosystem in Kenya and Tanzania and contribute their questions and perspectives on the pilot results and the future of soil health data on the African continent.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

The Stars in Our Soil: Gifts to Soil Health

Soil health is the cornerstone of sustainable agriculture, and its impact extends far beyond the confines of the farm. As we enter the festive season, it's a fitting time to reflect on the invaluable gifts of soil health. These include policies, advocates, media influence, scientific expertise, and farmer dedication—all crucial in driving progress toward a healthier, more resilient agricultural ecosystem. Let’s celebrate these contributions and recognize their role in safeguarding our future.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

CA4SH Partners Hosted Record Engagement at UNCCD COP16

The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) is rooted in the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Since our official launch in 2021, CA4SH has amassed a membership of over 200 multistakeholder organizations and collaborated with countless partners.

This year, the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNCCD was focused on a people-centred approach to accelerating action on land and drought resilience, themed Our Land. Our Future.

Since healthy soil is essential to land and drought resilience, and provides co-benefits that link with all 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the CA4SH network came together for a record engagement at COP16 to advocate for scaling global soil health.

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Sussana Teriza Phiri | YPARD Zambia Sussana Teriza Phiri | YPARD Zambia

YPARD Zambia Hosts YPARD Cafe on World Soil Day

On 5th December 2024, World Soil Day, YPARD Zambia hosted a YPARD Café dubbed "Youth Led Interventions for Soil Health and Climate Resilience". The event, which took place through an online platform, was meant to Convene a diverse group of young leaders to discuss youth led soil health interventions for climate resilience explore diverse opportunities available for youth to make impact in the soil health sector and foster youth engagement to elevate soil health interventions for climate resilience in national dialogues.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

World Soil Day Book Launch: My Family Cares for Soil

5 December 2024, on World Soil Day, the Coalition of Action for Soil Health (CA4SH) is pleased and privileged to share the latest creative writing initiative from Eliseus Bamporineza of #Youth4Soil called My Family Cares for Soil.

Eliseus is spearheading a much-needed and much-enjoyed space of creative advocacy in the global soil health movement. His dedication to his craft is evident through his independent writing and ever-growing bibliography.

My Family Cares for Soil is an engaging and educational booklet that follows a young girl’s journey as she explores soil health monitoring alongside family members. Each family member uses specific tools, like pH meters, moisture meters, and drones, to gather and analyze data on soil quality, helping the child understand the importance of caring for soil to improve farming outcomes.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

CA4SH Partners at COP29: Reflections and looking forward to the future of soil health in policy

Countless CA4SH partners attended the UNFCCC COP29 this month, so we reached out to ask how it went!

Despite this being an incredibly busy time of year, we received several responses from partners who highlighted the highs, the lows, and what still needs to be done to embed soil health more deeply in agenda set forth at the Rio Conventions.

Here are their reflections, in their own words.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

The Stars in Our Soil: The Science Behind Soil Testing

Having acquired some basic understanding of soil health in Part 1 of the series, the Stars in Our Soil: Understanding Soil, Sussana Phiri spends this installment delving into the science behind soil testing, with examples and resources for those looking to start troubleshooting own farms.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

CA4SH at the 2024 World Food Forum

14-18 October 2024: The World Food Forum (WFF) was held at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) headquarters in Rome, Italy. It served as a powerful platform, bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders to leverage the power of intergenerational collaborations, partnerships, and action across policy, science, innovation, culture, and investment. 

CA4SH members joined a series of youth-led dialogues, workshops, and networking events to highlight the transformative potential of soil health as the foundation of sustainable, resilient food systems. With over 200 members - including farmer organizations, youth, policymakers, scientists, and NGOs - the Coalition is committed to translating science into action, fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration, and amplifying the vital role of youth in global soil health initiatives. 

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Sussana Teriza Phiri | YPARD Zambia Sussana Teriza Phiri | YPARD Zambia

The Stars in our Soil: Understanding Soil

The Stars in Our Soil is a 6-part series highlighting the scientific and social elements of the soil that are synonymous to the stars; each of them unique but when they are together, they light up the universe. 

In this article, Sussana Terieza Phiri (#Youth4Soil, YPARD Zambia, CA4SH Intern) explores the physical properties of soil, and some of the implications for agricultural growers.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

#Youth4Soil Member in the First Cohort of the Youth Academy on Climate Adaptation & Leadership

From 19-26th September 2024, the inaugural cohort of the Youth Academy on Climate Adaptation & Leadership met in Nairobi, Kenya to strengthen their skills around youth leadership and climate adaptation.

The Academy was officially launched via a partnership between the Global Centre on Adaptation, the University of Nairobi, and the University of Groningen. The University of Nairobi hosted the 62 students, government officials, youth organizations, and other youth stakeholders who were selected to join the Academy. Among them was #Youth4Soil member Eliseus Bamporineza who shared some reflections in a Q&A with CA4SH.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Youth Solutions: Support Daniel Chavo Kisekka’s Climate and Environment Innovation

The IFRC Limitless Innovation Challenge is a chance for youth around the World to showcase their innovations for climate and the environment. Daniel Chavo Kisekka of the #Youth4Soil Initiative has submitted his climate solution Nurtavest to support smallholder farmers in Uganda, and the World over.

We are calling on the CA4SH network to help support him by engaging with his pitch video, which could place him in the top 100 innovations!

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

#Youth4Soil Perspective | My Journey: From Plant Pathology to Pioneering Organic Agriculture 

Upendra Bhusal is a student of Agriculture at the Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal. He is a member of the CA4SH #Youth4Soil initiative, IAAS, YPARD, FAYI, Leo Club, and more.

Learn about his unique approach to scaling soil health in his community, and his plans to scale this approach in 2024/2025.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Press Release | Local Conservationist Samuel Bamidele Accepted into an International Emerging Leader Program

Samuel Bamidele has served as a member and mentor for the last 6 months at Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health. Samuel was accepted into the 2025 class of the Soil and Water Conservation Society’s (SWCS) Emerging Leaders Program. Recognized as the premier international organization for professionals shaping the future of natural resource conservation, SWCS has chosen Bamidele for his outstanding commitment to the science and art of conservation. He will join a group of up-and-coming leaders in conservation that are spread across several countries and disciplines. 

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

I am Soil - A poem by #Youth4Soil’s Eliseus Bamporineza

Eliseus Bamporineza is an East African Community Youth fellow, writer, poet, and staunch advocate for youth empowerment. He is a dedicated and visionary leader committed to driving positive change in the fields of education, climate resilience, agribusiness and diplomacy across Africa. Through different initiatives, such as Feed2Care where he advocates for quality food for all, and #Youth4Soil where he gives voice to life under our feet, he is committed to raising concerns about soil health threats and the need for its protection.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

OP-ED | Roots of Resilience: Soil Health and Climate Change?

Soil health is a fundamental component of agricultural sustainability and environmental stewardship. In this article, CA4SH partner Samuel Bamidele explores how enhancing soil health can bolster resilience against the adverse effects of climate change and outlines related legislation from the United States.

Samuel holds a Master of Science from the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at the University of Delaware. Hailing from Ibadan, Nigeria, Samuel's academic trajectory has been characterized by a profound dedication to soil science and agriculture.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

CA4SH at Bonn Climate Change Conference 2024

June 3 to 13, 2024 - The 60th session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Subsidiaries Bodies (SB60) took place in Bonn, Germany. Also called the 2024 Bonn Climate Change Conference, it brought together an estimated 6,000 attendees to prepare and shape the agenda for COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan later this year. This year, we contributed to several side events led by partners to elevate the importance of soil health.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

YPARD’s Involvement in SB60: Championing Young Professionals in Climate Advocacy

From June 3-13, 2024 the 60th session of the Subsidiary Bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was convened in Bonn, Germany. These sessions serve as a crucial mid-year event, laying the groundwork for COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. This gathering is an essential platform for young professionals to observe and get involved in negotiations, host and participate in side events to raise important issues, and to amplify youth voices from all over the world.

Read the full story from YPARD

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Local Knowledge is Key for Grassland Conservation and Restoration

In Northern Kenya, WWF works with a community-run organisation called Nature and People as One (NaPO) through the Voices for Climate Action programme, which serves as a great example of harnessing the intergenerational knowledge and experience of pastoralist communities. Founded in 2018 by young people from Karare, Marsabit, NaPO works closely with pastoralists to address the challenges they are facing constructively, in order to protect, manage and restore rangelands and the valuable ecosystem services they provide.

Read the full story on the UN Decade of Restoration website

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