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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

The Netherlands Food Partnership looked at contextualizing the Soil Health Resolution in a May Meeting

On 15 May, the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) convened a network session to discuss the potential the Soil Health Resolution offers for transforming food systems as per their objectives. NFP is a consortium of initiatives by Dutch organizations and partners from Low and Middle-Income Countries working towards food and nutrition security and achieving SDG2 by 2030. With soil serving as the very foundation of food systems, scaling soil health is a major part of their remit.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Video: Healthy soils as game changers for climate protection - betterSoil

betterSoil for a better world is an organisation dedicated to scaling soil health globally. Chairperson and founder, Azadeh Farajpour, shares critical insight into why this mission is so important. This video was shared as part of the betterSoil intervention at the May 2023 ChangeNOW conference in Paris, France.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Fertilizer Sector Leaders Issue Declaration on Fertilizer and Soil Health in West Africa and the Sahel

“West Africa fertilizer policy decision-makers and experts issued an official Ministerial Declaration on Fertilizer and Soil Health in West Africa at the close of a high-level round table organized by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), with technical and funding support by IFDC’s Feed the Future EnGRAIS project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the World Bank, respectively.”

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

How does regenerative agriculture increase biodiversity?

Aisha Hassan and Lukas Paltanavičius are cycling across the world to learn hands-on about practices of regenerative agriculture. In this guest article on the Furrow, they uncover how regenerative agriculture helps to increase biodiversity.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Leveraging digital technologies to empower women in agriculture

“Women play a critical role in the agricultural sector, comprising 43% of the agricultural labor force globally and making significant contributions to household and national food security. Despite their essential role, they face several challenges that limit their ability to adopt sustainable agricultural practices and adapt to climate change, including access to information and finance.”

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Crop Residue Management for Healthy Soils

Burning of unused crop residue is a common practice among farmers in India, contributing to carbon emissions and air pollution. BAIF and GIZ have partnered to establish a farmer producer organisation to convert this residue into biochar. Farmers sell their waste biomass to the FPO and purchase biochar to apply to their crop fields.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

CA4SH at the AIM for Climate Summit: Scaling healthy soil practices globally through innovative partnerships, financing and policy

10 MAY 2023: The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) hosted a Breakout Session at the AIM for Climate Summit in Washington, DC, USA. Global leaders from policy, industry, producer organisations, civil society groups, and scientists and researchers came together for the three-day Summit to drive their work on climate-smart agriculture and innovations in food systems.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Innovations in the Mechanization of Fertilizer Deep Placement

“As part of the Assessment of State Fertilizer Scenario and Promoting Efficient Nutrient Management (ASPEN) project, the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, Government of Assam, Punjab Agricultural University, Feed the Future, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and National Agro Industries, have developed a seed-and-fertilizer drill.”

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Husk Super Farmer: Women changing the face of agriculture in Cambodia

“Srouy’s hands move deftly amongst the vines, her thumb and forefinger pinching each ripe bean from its stem. By the end of the month, she will have harvested some 60 kilograms of beans for sale to her local farmers’ cooperative. Today, after forty years of farming, Srouy is as much entrepreneur as farmer…”

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Embracing sustainable energy and water use in agriculture

“One project that has been successful in integrating sustainable solutions for energy and water use in agriculture is the Laikipia Isiolo Samburu Transforming the Environment Through Nexus (LISTEN) project in Kenya. The project, implemented by SNV, AGRA and FCDC with funding from EKN, uses the nexus approach to build the knowledge of smallholder farming communities to adopt climate-smart techniques and practices…”

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Berlin Agriculture Ministers‘ Conference 2023: 64 Ministers adopt the final communiqué

“64 Agriculture Ministers adopted an ambitious final communiqué at the 15th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference, part of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA). The GFFA 2023 addresses the issue of: “Food Systems Transformation: A Worldwide Response to Multiple Crises”. The Ukranian President Zelenskyy sent an appeal to the Minister of Agriculture.”

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

CA4SH joins expert panel at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture

During an expert panel at the 2023 Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), the WFP brought together speakers representing research institutions, UN agencies, and non-governmental organizations to discuss solutions for creating crisis-proof and climate-friendly food systems with a focus on sustainable land use and the role of soils.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

CA4SH partners kick off 2023 with a jam-packed meeting

The CA4SH January Partner Meeting provided updates from across the Coalition, and an opportunity for brainstorming next steps in advanving the global soil health agenda.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

The new UN Food Systems Coordination Hub connects coalitions towards common goals

The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) was born from the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) alongside several other thematic coalitions, now connected through the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub. Learn more about what the Hub does and how scaling soil health is part of the story.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Raising awareness on soil health living labs

Soil health living labs are becoming increasingly popular in Europe as a way to promote sustainable farming practices and improve soil health. SOILdarity is currently working to develop a living lab in the Alentejo region of Portugal. A recent workshop brought together stakeholders to discuss actions taken so far, and the value a living lab will bring in this context.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

Cycle to Farms to begin their next phase

Cycle to Farms is documenting what regenerative agriculture looks like on the ground by cycling across Africa, Europe and the Middle East, speaking with farmers and learning about enabling environments and barriers, alike.

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Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat Hanna Linden (she/her) | CA4SH Secretariat

OPINION: COP27 and Agriculture

Dr Budiman Minasny, of Sydney Institute of Agriculture, University of Sydney, and scientific member of the 4per1000 Scientific and Technical Committee, shares his thoughts following the proceedings and decisions from the recent UNFCCC COP27.

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